Last month 
At the start of the Life Events project I created a project chart containing all the essential features I wanted in the system. At the end of the chart was a development labelled "Azure Active Directory authentication". The project chart has evolved over time, with many many additions before and after this development and bit by bit each feature has turned green marking it as completed. 

So, here we are 2 ½ years later and I am pleased to announce that "Entra" authentication, as it is now known, has turned green. Also turning green today is the "map overlays" feature, which allows grave spaces on maps to be coloured based on various categories, such as grave type, remaining space, risk assessment status, and many more.

Today is therefore a momentous occasion because that original plan for the software is complete. But, this doesn't mean the software is completely finished! We have a spectacular vision for the future of Life Events and we are only part of the way there. There's another 14 months' worth of exciting developments in the pipeline already and a road map stretching many more years into the future.

Thursday 23 January 2025 at 11:06 
Today we released the standard accounting reports for Life Events promised in our new years news post. This includes:

•	Comprehensive cash banking facilities
•	Nominal analysis report
•	Sales day book report

The cash banking facilities include:

•	The generation of banking batches
•	The production of banking slips / cash reconciliation statements
•	Nominal analysis of cash
•	Facilities to search for batches
•	The ability to undo the last batch in case of mistake 
Saturday 11 January 2025 at 20:32 
To celebrate this new year, we are pleased to announce the release of new features for our finance and accounting module, including:

•	Batch payment entry, for sundry payments
•	Cash receipting + printing
•	Payment allocation and deallocation
•	Refunds and refund payment processing for card payments
•	Payment exports, e.g. to Sage 200
•	Cash customer invoicing / receipting
•	and Bulk price update for your products

These features round off the functional aspects of our finance and accounting module. In the coming weeks we will be releasing standard accounting reports, including nominal analysis, banking reports, sales statistics, etc..

Wednesday 01 January 2025 at 17:48 
To celebrate the start of advent, we are very excited to announce the release of our biggest group of modules to date: Integrated document signing, automation and background mail merge facilities.

Document signing allows you to:

•	Create template forms and covering emails in the integrated word processor. 
•	Send fillable forms to multiple recipients for signing.
•	Track signing status, including whether a form has been viewed or signed by an individual
•	Automatically chase individuals who have not signed using configurable automation and customised emails.
•	Signers can draw or upload their signatures for insertion into relevant places in your forms
•	Automatically distribute signed documents with a customised covering email.
•	Create a finalised and protected PDF document with the signer details embedded in the document and QR code links to the original and signed documents on our servers.  
•	View an audit log of viewing and signing history.
•	Automate onward events following signing, such as progressing work orders to the next stage.

Automation allows you to:

•	Configure actions that take place automatically when specific events happen in the database. 
•	Add conditions so that automations only happen under certain circumstances
•	Invoke any number of actions, including sending documents, sending completed forms, setting flags, updating database fields and more, when an automation executes.

Background mail merge allows you to:

•	Send documents without user interaction, usually in response to automation
•	Print documents in the background if there is no email address to send the PDF version to. 
Sunday 01 December 2024 at 21:17 
After a busy three months of development we are delighted to announce the release of our Memorial and Asset Risk Assessment module. This is initially being released for our bereavement services business model. 

The risk assessment module allows you to:

•	Plan and carry out risk assessment of headstone and leased memorial assets using any mobile device.
•	Work off line with no internet connection and synchronise when connection is restored
•	Locate inspection batches and individual inspections on an interactive map
•	Upload photographs during inspections
•	Set up different questions and answers, infringements, follow up actions and workflow for each type of asset
•	Set up custom follow-up letters and chasing letters for owners and masons
•	Progress and track the progress of failed assessments, including generating works orders, letters and progressing actions.

We also made the following improvements to existing modules:

•	Pet tracking now allows the tracking of individual storage / rack spaces
•	We have added bulk plot creation, which allows new plot / memorial / storage schemes to be generated. 
•	Document / image storage has been extended to every part of the system
•	Exporting has been extended to all search screens and reports with the addition of export to Excel
•	Audit logging now allows users to drill down through changes from any record and recall data as it was on a particular date.
•	Mail merge / Emailing now stores copies of documents as PDF's attached to the customer and originating record.
•	Individual mail merge previews can be edited before printing / emailing allowing uses to make minor changes to text to better suit the recipient. Amendments are reflected in the PDF stored to the customer and originating record.
•	During the finalisation of statutory bereavement events (burials and cremations) a snapshot of the customer name and address at the time of the event is now sealed into the record. A similar snapshot occurs during transfer of grave ownership. 
Sunday 08 September 2024 at 14:56 
We are very excited to announce the release of our Pet notification, Mobile pet tracking and Back office tracking facilities for Pet Bereavement Services.

1) The Pet notification facility allows your vets to tell your service about animals that need collecting. 

•	Vets enter the details of the animal along with owner details
•	Multiple animals can be registered at the same time
•	Vet can add animals "on hold" to allow your service to know about animals that are red-bagged
•	Vets can then print off QR code based identification stickers or slips to attach to the animal's container
•	Vets can pass data automatically to the pet notification facility from their practice management system via custom integrations

2) The Mobile pet tracking facility allows your staff to easily track movement of an animal while on the move including whether the animal is on hold, in transit, arrived, in various departments in your crematorium or removed. 

•	Select a tracking status and an optional location
•	Scan QR Code identification labels and verify the animals details to update the status of animals
•	Synchronise status changes with the main database
•	Work off line with no internet connection and synchronise when connection is restored

3) The Back office pet tracking allows staff in various departments to make sure the animal's whereabouts is always known and pre-requisites for cremation are completed.

•	Check animals in and out of storage
•	Link checklist items to different products (e.g. Fur clipping requires a check list item confirming it has been taken) 
•	Easily link animals to cremation events using QR code scanning
•	Prevent cremation events from being finalised until all pre-requisites are complete
•	Produce identification labels for cremated remains and track the cremated remains removal / disposal 
Wednesday 05 June 2024 at 11:36 
To mark one year exactly since the release of our first demonstration system, we are pleased to announce the release of three massive modules:

1) Mapping

In association with Pear Technology we can now offer our users Mapping integration. This allows your cemeteries and plots to be linked to digital maps. Users can now locate a grave in an interactive digital map.

Maps are georeferenced and placed within OS master map so the geographical location, including surrounding roads and landmarks to your cemeteries can be seen.

Also in association with Pear Technology we are able to offer our customers a map scanning and digitisation service.

2) Genealogical Search

This exciting new feature allows you to make your burial and cremation registers searchable to the public. 

Your users can conduct searches of your records and then buy access to the full digital entry, or scan of the original ledger, or in the case of burials details of the plot and an interactive map of the plot location in your cemetery.

Purchased entries are masked for data protection.

Your users can checkout as guests or register. Registered users can access all their purchases their account. Guest users are sent persistent links to their purchases, so always have the opportunity to access their purchase again.

Unlike other systems, this is not a consolidated genealogy service with many local authorities under one umbrella. The Life Events Genealogy Search is part of your service's online presence and all records are your own. Payments are made to your service and you can chose if payment is required or not.

Check out the Bereavement Services Demonstration system to see the system working.

3) Statistics

The Life Events statistics module allows you to produce charts using a built in chart wizard from report data, including  pie charts, bar charts, line charts and heat maps.

The initial release of our statistics module includes a comprehensive Events analysis report bursting with options and filters that allows you to cross compare any two categories over a period of time, including:

Agent (funeral director), Booking Location, Booking profile, Booking type, Burial Coffin Style, Burial depth, Day of month, Day of week, Death to funeral, Deceased Age, Deceased Denomination, Deceased Gender, Disposal option, Event type, Grave area, Grave size, Grave status, Grave type, Month, Remains Type, Residency, Shared NVB Cases and Coffins 
Saturday 20 April 2024 at 15:58 
Today we are pleased to announce the release of two new features:

1) Invoice Payment

Our self-service facility for invoice payment, which extends our existing self-service customer profile page. The new "invoices" tab allows your customers to login, view their billing history and settle bills online.

2) Funeral Director Business Model

All the power of Life Events is now available to Funeral Directors. 

When you set up a Life Events account you can select the new "Funeral Director" business model and the system will be ready configured with relevant reports and features.

•	Set up resources to cover your most frequently used venues

•	Set up funeral options and products

•	Book funerals at frequently used venues or at ad-hoc locations with full geolocation tracking of your vehicles.

•	Use the new funeral event screen to capture all the detail needed to track a funeral event, including deceased, applicant, options and detail that you will need to pass onto the cemetery or crematorium on preliminary forms.

•	Automatically generate charges

•	Produce quotes and invoices

•	Print or email funeral plans 
Monday 19 February 2024 at 15:51 
Here at Datawing we are pushing the limits of computerised systems can do for the management of cemeteries and crematoria. Today we have release out Permit Ordering self-service module.

This, our fifth self-service module. It has been a longer than envisaged development, but it is worth it.

With Permit Ordering:

•	Your masons can fill in a details of the proposed memorial, including information to help you identify the grave, dimensions, inscriptions and a facility to upload files.

•	Masons can pay for their permit at the time of application.

•	You can finely control how charges are generated with product automation.

•	An easy to use post processing facility to allows you to accurately associate self-service applications with existing graves and memorials.

•	You are in control of progressing applications and producing permits.

•	You can tailor the colors and styles of the ordering system to match your website.

•	You can integrate payments with Stripe. 
Monday 22 January 2024 at 16:58 
To celebrate this Christmas, Life Events now has a new home at

After much patience we are absolutely thrilled with the acquisition of this premium domain name, which shows out commitment and focus towards providing software for the management of life events the world over. 
Monday 18 December 2023 at 18:14